How to Make Your Tires Last Long

Do you like spending your hard-earned money on new tires frequently? Unless you’re an auto enthusiast, it’s safe to say you probably don’t. If you want to quickly extend the life of your tires, have a safer drive, and improve your car’s ride quality, it’s important that you follow these tips.

Check the Air Pressure Every Month

The quickest (as well as cheapest) way to extend the life of your tires is by maintaining the correct air pressure! Having more or less air pressure can increase your stopping distance, cause sluggish handling, increase wear and tear, and put your tires at risk of a blowout. A few things you’ll need to remember about the tire pressure include:

– Every month, most tires lose about a pound of pressure per square inch.

– In the winter, cold temperatures can lower our tires’ air pressure.

– In the summer, warm weather can increase tire pressure.

Remember that checking the pressure of your tires every month doesn’t just help you save money. Proper tire pressure is also extremely important for safety. In fact, a National Highway Transportation Safety Administration Crash Causation Survey found evidence of tire issues in at least one out of every 11 car crashes!

Rotate Your Tires at Least Once in 5,000 Miles

In most vehicles, only about two wheels “drive” the vehicle at any given point in time. This can often cause uneven wear. For instance, in front-wheel-drive cars, the front wheels typically wear out a lot faster than the rear wheels. Similarly, in rear-wheel-drive vehicles, the two wheels at the back are most prone to wearing out. This is why it’s important that you rotate the wheels of your car every 5,000 miles.

Have Your Wheels Balanced

Have you ever noticed your steering wheel shaking every once in a while on the road, or have you felt your vehicle bouncing up and down entirely randomly? The cause of this is an imbalance in the wheels. Having the wheels balanced is an easy thing to do and can help save you money on a more costly repair down the line.