How to Reduce Eyestrain

Eyestrain is a common problem for many people. People may realize they have eyestrain when they have headaches that are worse when they are looking at objects or if their eyes feel tired or watery all of the time. There are several things in one’s home and work life that can cause or worsen eyestrain. For instance, reading or working on a computer and doing activities that require fine motor control, such as sewing or knitting, can result in eye strain. Fortunately, we don’t have to keep suffering. Here are a few things that can be done to prevent eyestrain.

Tips to Reduce Eyestrain Include

Change the Lighting

Use proper lighting both at work and at home. Overhead fluorescent light is generally more glaring than incandescent light and can cause more eyestrain. If possible, diffuse the lighting by using shades on the lamps or sheer curtains on the windows. Keep in mind that it’s also not a good idea to work in darkness.

Take Regular Breaks

It’s important to give the eyes and the body a break periodically. This can be done using the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a break and look at something (any object) that’s at least 20 feet away for a minimum of 20 seconds. This may help reduce eyestrain by giving the eye muscles a chance to relax. It’s also a good idea to stand up and walk every few hours.

Increase Text Size on The Phone, Tablet, and Computer

The smaller the text, the more likely one is to squint when looking at it. Larger text can be easier to read and cause less eye strain. Make the text on the phone as big as possible, so reading is more comfortable.

Use Artificial Tears

If one is experiencing dry eyes, over-the-counter artificial tears are available. These drops apply a protective coating to the eyes and can temporarily relieve the symptoms of dryness, which reduces eyestrain. Artificial tears are available as single-dose vials or multidose bottles. They typically come in different strengths, but if one experiences eye pain or redness after using them, it’s important to consult the doctor. Some drops also cause blurry vision. To avoid this, try to keep the head steady when using the drops, and don’t tilt the head back too far.